
Calling All Students – Money Saving Tips!

Monday, November 07, 2016 Unknown 0 Comments

Finding your way in the world is tough especially when it’s time to move away from home.  For most students it’s exciting but for others it’s a worry.  Not only are you moving in with people you don’t know but you’re moving away from family, people you have lived with forever.  It’s a big step.  The biggest stress of all is how you’re going to pay for it, that’s certainly on my mind.

University is supposed to be a fun time a time when you spread your wings and grow up.  But growing up brings the responsibilities of paying bills and having your own place to look after.  I’m here with 5 money saving tips for all you Uni Survivors!

Tip No 1: 

When it comes to paying bills I know that gas and electricity can be very expensive especially now that the colder months are coming, everyone’s going to want to turn up the heating.  So to tackle the colder weather why not throw on a jumper or grab a blanket.  This will save you money on your heating bill and is probably more snug. 

If you’re a new student and haven’t paid for your own gas and electricity before then Money Supermarket might be right for you.  There are hundreds of offers on their website that will help you.  They usually have some great deals if you’re new to their company.  Take a look and see what you could save.

Tip No 2:

Broadband charges can be one of the most expensive bills you have to pay.  Not anymore.  As the world of technology changes its becoming easier and cheaper to get on the net.  Vodaphone have brought out a new kind of internet box where you don’t need to pay for a phone line as well. BONUS!  If you’re a student who doesn’t need a sky box or a phone line then opting for this kind of internet service is probably the best option.  Keep a look out for great deals.

Tip No 3:  

One thing that is a big issue at the moment is Council Tax, it’s not cheap and can see you massively out of pocket.  Councils rarely advertise that students get a reduced Council Tax or even sometimes it’s FREE yes FREE!!  If you’re a student and you live with other students then your Council Tax could be dramatically reduced or even FREE.

So that’s more money in your pocket for those days where you need it most.

Tip No 4:

Most Students in the UK opt for a Maintenance Loan meaning they get a certain about of money from Student Finance England. Instead of blowing all this at once why not open an ISA with your bank and earn some interest on the money you get.  If you have a student bank account then there are some great deals out there on savings accounts.  The money you save could be part of what you pay back.  Let’s face it we all like to spend money but saving it is probably best in the long run.

Tip No 5:

Earn cash back on the things you buy, I recently found this out when I was on my banks website.  Most banks have jumped onto this recently including Barclays and Lloyds.  You can earn cash back on everyday items that you buy, free money great.  Check out the Lloyds site and Barclays for more information. 

I know saving is hard not just when you’re a student but for everyone.  Hopefully these tips will help you out and help you survive uni.

Share some more tips in the comments.